All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Aidan’s Heart Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Our FEIN# is 46-1917169.
Company Match: If your company offers matching donations, please check with your HR department on how to proceed.
Your donation will help us create heart-safe communities for youth by continuing to:
- Provide heart screening events
- Install AEDs on youth athletic fields and in schools
- Host CPR/AED training events for teachers, coaches, and parents
- Promote awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest, including prevention of and response to SCA to yield greater survival rates
- Keep our members and followers informed of our latest progress and events
You can help us ensure that our communities are heart-safe and have a direct impact on the youth who may be at risk for this preventable tragedy. Your generous support is crucial to our efforts to ensure no other child loses his or her life to SCA.
Here are examples of how donations help prevent Sudden Cardiac Arrest from taking another young life:
- $5,000 – Provides heart screening for up to 500 children ages 5-18
- $1,000 – AED for a school or a youth-based athletic facility or organization
- $500 – CPR + AED training for five high school students to become certified “Save a Life Ambassadors”
- $100 – EKG exam for a child aged 5-18
- $50 – Wall-mounted cabinet to house an AED in a school or facility
- $25 – Ready kit (scissors, razor, mouth mask) to accompany an AED unit
Other Ways to Donate:
You can donate to Aidan’s Heart directly on Facebook and there are no fees attached.
A great way to support AHF is fundraising like our friend, Lily, did for her birthday! Birthday fundraisers are a great way to support our Foundation.